快照是搜索引擎收录互联网上某个页面并将这个页面的信息保存到自身数据库中的日期,快照对于一个网站的重要性就不说了,特别是对于做百度的优化!但是一个新的网站,特别是企业站,在网站刚上线一个月内很难做到快照隔日,而且现在百度也有了沙盒期,所以刚开始的时候,很难做到让蜘蛛很频繁的造访自己的网站,更不谈说快照和排名了。今天就跟大家分享一下我的经验,是如何将上线二十天的企业网站做到快照隔日!当然我也是菜鸟一个,重要的是讨论。 1、网站上线之前一定要将网站整体、网站框架、网站样式确定好,提交百度后尽量的少修改。并且网站架构要做到比较合理的树状结构,并且网站最深层次的页面也不要距离首页5次点击之外。只有好的网站架构才会让蜘蛛更深的爬行。 2、拒绝伪原创、采集,坚持原创。这点是非常重要的,特别对于新网站而言,因为现在谷歌和百度都有新站的考核期,就是沙盒期,如果网站一运行就开始采集,那搜索引擎就直接认为这个站是一个垃圾站,想在做到网站20天内快照隔日就很困难了。 3、外联的循序渐进。 a、网站提交到搜索引擎以后,每日到友情链接平台发三个友情链接的信息,当然并不是为了交换友情链接,而是纯粹的为了吸引蜘蛛。 b、在几个博客上都发一个带链接的博文 c、到站长类的论坛发一篇文章,当然并不是去投稿,而是在站长类的论坛里面发。 d、在几个比较好的行业B2B发布几条广告。并且留一下链接。比如阿里巴巴、慧聪、自己行业比较知名的B2B网站。因为即使是广告,但是这些知名的B2B内页权重都非常高。 f、分类信息网、当地信息港等地方发广告。 g、各类人才网站发布招聘启示,并留一下链接 刚开始的时候我很少去论坛做签名,也不会去博客做评论,因为一下子导入太多的垃圾链接,可能反而会对网站前期健康有害处。前期最好能多找到一些权重比较好的外联以增加网站的曝光率,以及增加搜索引擎对网站的信息度,配合着内容,基本上20天都能做到快照隔日的!文章编辑于 http://www.taixingmajiang.com,欢迎借鉴转载,转载请自带出处。
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lamp Keyword:lamp From shandong dezhou sun city office understands, at present, dezhou city install solar street lamps mileage already amounted to 102 kilometers, photovoltaic cells, total power of 2 megawatts (mw). Every year can save electricity 237 million degrees, according to each family monthly calculation, power saving electricity 100 degrees for 1975 a family to use amount a year. In 2005, dezhou propose and implement the "China sun city" strategy, in June in 104 national highway Texas section installation citywide first lamp that solar street lamps. 5 years, dezhou has accumulated installation 11661 lamp, solar street lamps covering highway mileage reaches 102 kilometers. These solar street lamps, not only let dweller safer, also save a lot of coal resources, reduce the such as carbon dioxide emissions. Dezhou housing and urban and rural construction bureau deputy director ZhangYunFa introduction, the city of solar street lamps adopting make dezhou can save BiaoZhunMei 964 tons annually, carbon-dioxide emissions of 2359 tons. He sent the journalist calculate a bill, "the city install solar street lamps saving the coal resources, if according to each consumes one ton of heating coal calculation, for more than 900 5,536 rural household fires." Solar energy lamp use, not only effectively the energy can be saved, and make the whole city more environmental protection. June 2006 built long river park is domestic first photoelectric park. The entire scenic spot of installation garden light, solar lawn lamp and so on solar energy lamp light, this covers 977 1800 acres of park night illumination without fee a kilowatt-hour. Throughout Texas every corner of the solar energy lamp not only for energy conservation and emissions reduction making an important contribution, also let more people enjoy low carbon and better life.